Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise is a small and common pet dog. When France invaded Italy in 1500, the French were fascinated by the cute appearance of the Bichon Frise and brought it back to France as a trophy. The Bichon Frise has high requirements for the living environment and often needs someone to accompany it. This requires special attention.
Bichon Frise is docile, sensitive, playful and cute. In terms of overall appearance, the Bichon Frise is smaller in size, but strong, lively and cute, with a small tail full of fluffy hair standing on the back, and a pair of cute and curious black eyes. Its movements are elegant and light and arousing. joy.

Bichon Frise morphological characteristics

Because the Bichon Frise is active and active, the activity is very large. Going for a walk every day to play, exercise can promote digestion and absorption of her intestines and stomach, and improve her health. Bichon Frise is friendly and lively. Although Bichon is not very smart, it has very good memory. If you spend more time training, it will do some cute and funny movements, which will bring endless fun to the owner. The Bichon Frise is very dependent on people, very friendly to his family, but fierce to strangers. Bichon is more clingy and needs more time to play with it. Generally speaking, bichon frises are lively and friendly, making them very suitable for domestic pets.
Morphological characteristics
Male bichon frise and female bichon frise are about 9.5 inches to 11.5 inches tall at the shoulder, and symmetry is the first consideration.
If it exceeds this size range, but is proved to be a very good individual, it is allowed to relax the standard appropriately. But in any case, the shoulder height should not exceed 12 inches or less than 9 inches. The minimum shoulder height standard does not apply to puppies.
Body length (the distance from the front point of the chest to the last point of the buttocks) is about 1/4 greater than the height at the shoulders. The distance from the withers to the bottom of the chest is approximately 1/2 of the distance from the withers to the ground. Physique: compact, medium bone mass. It is neither rough nor slender.
The movement of    trot is stretched, accurate and relaxed. Viewed from the side, the stretching movements of the forelegs and hind legs are coordinated with each other, the forequarters stretch easily, the hind limbs are driven strongly, and the backline remains stable. During exercise, the head and neck are slightly erected. As the speed increases, the limbs tend to gather toward the centerline of the body. When leaving, keep a medium distance between the hind legs and the foot pads can be seen. Coming or leaving, the movements are precise and correct.
Gentle and law-abiding, sensitive, naughty, and affectionate. A pleasant attitude is the characteristic of this breed, and it is easy to be satisfied with small things.
1. Expression
Soft, deep eyes, curious and alert.
2. Eyes
round, black or dark brown.
is facing the front. Large or protruding eyes, almond-shaped eyes, and skewed eyes are all faults. Around the eyes, black or very dark brown skin surrounds the eyes. This is necessary to highlight the eyes and emphasize the expression. The eye circles themselves must be black. Insufficient or complete lack of pigment in the eye circles, resulting in a lack of expression or sluggish expression, is an obvious defect. Any eye color other than black or dark brown is a serious fault.
3. Ear
droops, hidden in long, flowing hair. If you pull the ear towards the nose, the length of the auricle can extend to the middle of the muzzle. The position of the ears is slightly higher than the horizontal line of the eyes, and the position of the head is relatively forward. So when he is alert, the ears become part of the face.
4. Head
is slightly arched, allowing a circular arc toward the eye. Stop: Slightly clear.
5. Muzzle
Very well-proportioned head, the ratio of the length of the muzzle to the head is 3:4, the length of the muzzle is the distance from the nose to the stop, and the length of the head is the distance from the stop to the posterior occiput. The dotted line connecting the outer corner of the eye and the tip of the nose just forms an equilateral triangle. The outline under the eyes is slightly clear. But not too much, and form a weak or thin front face. Strong jaw.
7. The nose is prominent and always black. Lips: Black, delicate, but not drooping.
8. Bite
Scissor bite. An overshot or undershot bite is a serious fault. Curved or out-of-line teeth are allowed, but missing teeth are serious faults.
1. Neck
stands up long and proudly, standing behind his head. Blends smoothly into the shoulder blades. The length of the neck, from the posterior occiput to
The distance between the withers is about 1/3 of the distance from the chest to the hips.
2. Back line
level, except for a straight, muscular, and arched waist. Body: The chest is quite developed, and the width allows free and unrestrained movement of the forelimbs. The lowest point of the chest extends to at least the elbow. The ribs are moderately propped up and extend back to the short, muscular waist. The front chest is very obvious and protrudes slightly forward than the shoulder joint. The curve of the lower abdomen rises moderately.
3. Tail
has a lot of hair, the position of the tail is flush with the top line, gently curled on the back, so the hair on the tail is leaning against the back. When the tail stretches toward the head, it can reach at least halfway to the withers. A low tail position, a tail raised perpendicular to the back, or a tail drooping backwards are all serious faults. The spiral tail is a very serious fault.
4. Scapula
The length of the shoulder blade and the upper arm bone are approximately the same. The shoulder blades are tilted back, at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. The upper arm bones extend back, viewed from the side, so that the elbow can be just below the withers.
5. Forelimbs
Medium bone mass; forearms and wrists should neither be arched nor bent. Pasterns: Slightly inclined relative to the vertical line. Dewclaws can be removed.
6. Feet
is tight and round, similar to the so-called cat’s foot, pointing directly forward, neither turning in nor out.
7. Foot pad
black. Toenail: Keep it in a relatively short state.
8. Thigh
The thighs are well angled, muscular, and slightly wider. The first thigh and the second thigh are approximately the same length and are joined together in a moderately bent knee joint. From the hock to the feet, the hind legs are completely perpendicular to the ground. Dewclaws can be removed. The soles of the feet are tight and round, and the pads are black.

Bichon Frise personality characteristics

The Bichon Frise is a small, sturdy white puff-shaped dog with a cheerful personality, as can be seen from its curious eyes and cheerful tail curled behind its back. Bichon Frise is generally more active. It has a lot of exercise and its hair is very difficult to manage. Therefore, you must be psychologically prepared and necessary homework before raising. Bichon has a friendly, lively character, has an excellent memory, can do various actions and laughs cutely, is with people for a long time, and is very dependent on the owner. It is very friendly. Some bichons are fierce to strangers.
Whenever you see a Bichon Frise, it is a smiling face. If the Samoyed is a smiling angel, then our Bichon Frise can be regarded as a happy elf. The smile of the Bichon Frise is different from that of the Samoyed. The Samoyed just smiles, and the corners of the Bichon Frise’s mouth are always up, as if there are happy things every day, and the mood is happy every day. This may have something to do with its character.
Bichon Frise is kind-hearted, stable and gentle, especially likes playing with children. The Bichon Frise is very loyal to its owner: it will protect its owner and will bark a lot when a stranger approaches. Although lively, it does not require much outdoor activities, so it is very suitable for keeping in an apartment. The personality is very playful, especially when it was young, naughty can be said to be its character representative. At the same time, Bichon Frise is clever and smart, has a strong memory, and is easy to train. It is best to find outsiders to train!
Bichon Frise is also a very self-esteem pet dog. When Bichon Frise believes that they are right, they will use their own way to argue with their owners and express their dissatisfaction. At the same time, the Bichon Frise hopes to get the care and care of the owner, and they also need the owner to give enough care and care. Because psychological diseases, such as anxiety, depression, becoming withdrawn, etc., can also surround the Bichon Frise.
If your bichon frise is kept at home instead of in the yard or not in a free range, you should take time out every day to let him run and play to your heart’s content. In short, make it to promote the normal operation and absorption of its digestive function. The purpose is to improve physical health and strengthen disease resistance.

Bichon Frise maintenance knowledge

The Bichon Frise is lively and active and consumes a lot. The daily feed of the Bichon Frise should be mixed with 150-180 grams of meat, and the same amount of dry veggie or biscuits should be added. When the weather is hot, all kinds of food of the bichon should be fresh and clean, no leftovers should be eaten, and the utensils should be cleaned to prevent parasite infection. Bichon Frise is prone to allergies. Choose dog food without additives. Bichon Frise is prone to dental disease. Avoid feeding sticky food, regularly clean your teeth or buy some toys for cleaning your teeth.
The white coat makes the Bichon Frise look very cute. It needs regular trimming. When it is hot, try to bathe and comb every day, cut off the long hair and nails, and move slowly, so as not to hurt the skin.
The hair of the Bichon Frise is long, and it is easy to stain the hair around the mouth when drinking or eating. It is recommended to use a bottled water bottle to make a simple drinking can to prevent the hair from getting dirty. Wipe the hair cleanly to keep it tidy.
Combing should be done once a day as much as possible. Bichon Frise’s hair is unique, with spiral curls in the fur, so it is very fluffy and soft to the touch, but such hair is easy to knot, especially on the armpits, back, and neck. The position of the back leg. Therefore, it is necessary to comb the hair once a day to avoid knotting.
Bathing should be done after combing the hair, the order is “brushing-bathing”
Bathing method:
1. Dilute the bath first.
A good body wash has a dilution ratio, but in practice, it has been found that the dilution ratio should be larger. The non-concentrated body wash should also be diluted to facilitate uniform application, easy foaming, and reduce irritation to local skin and hair.
⒉ The water temperature should be appropriate. The body temperature of an adult dog is about 38.5, and that of a puppy is 39-40. The water temperature is best to approximate his body temperature. Over-cooling and over-heating make the dog feel uncomfortable. The water temperature in winter should be higher. The dog can be cleaned with bath lotion after it is thoroughly drenched. Do not rub it with your hands. It is best to use the same direction to avoid hair knots. After washing, you can use some hair conditioner products. Rinse off at the end, be sure to rinse thoroughly!
Some parents pointed out that they would not move around by buckling the pot and letting the dog stand on it.
In addition, be careful not to let water and bath liquid flow into the dog’s ears, glasses, and nose when washing. You can put cotton balls in the ears before washing. To rinse the head, turn off the water. Or cover your eyes with your hands.
⒊ Blow-dry: Dip a towel to half dry, comb with a ruler, and blow dry.
When blow-drying, blow-dry the hair on the body, which can prevent the dog from catching a cold when it is cold. Be careful to blow the roots first, and then dry the tips. Be sure to pay attention to the size and temperature of the wind. Excessive heat can damage the hair and skin, and cold can easily catch a cold. Try to avoid strong wind when blowing your head. Don’t let the dog dry naturally because of the hot weather, which is prone to skin diseases.
⒋Anal glands: Dogs should be cleaned of anal glands for a period of time. At 4.8 o’clock below the anus, you can touch two balls by pushing your fingers. If you continue to push, a fishy secretion will be ejected.
The work after the hair is blown dry
⒌Ears: Use ear drops to clean the dirt in the ears with a cotton swab. Regularly pluck the ear hairs. After cleaning, use a cotton swab to take the ear powder and apply the inside of the ear to keep it clean and dry.
⒍Eyes: Use dog eye drops to rinse the dog’s eyes. Clean the hair and eye secretions at the corners of the eyes. (The chloramphenicol we commonly used in dogs often hears that it can cause blindness, so it should not be used frequently)
⒎Nail: Use special nail clippers to cut to half of the white part of the nail. Simple daily trimming.
⒏ Trimming the hair on the soles of the feet: The hair between the pads of the dog’s toes, and there are sweat glands on the dog’s feet, it will be cooler and clean if you cut it off.
⒐ Trim the hair on the roots of the thighs, underarms, and lower abdomen: This is a place that is easy to knot, and it is easy to get dirty, and it is very easy to cut.
⒑ Trim the hair around the eyes: It is easier to pierce the eyes with the hair of a bear. You can trim it appropriately. The method is to carefully cut the hair around the eyelids in the middle of the eyes. Do not cut against the skin. Keep a certain length. Do not let the hair pierce the eyes. Prevail. This way the eye sockets will also look good.
You can use “Flaine” and other insect repellent potions after taking a bath, spray it on the dog’s skin, not on the hair, and you can use it for more than a month. This medicine is slightly toxic and parents should use it reasonably. The dosage should be adjusted according to the dog’s weight, and it is best to ask a doctor. Fungus is one of the skin diseases that bichon bears are prone to. It is difficult to prevent thoroughly, here are some experiences
⒈ Keep the dog away from the owner’s shoes, socks, etc.
⒉Let dogs come into contact with healthy dogs they know, and avoid contact with dogs with poor health.
⒊ Take a bath and blow dry thoroughly.
⒋Keep the kennel clean, wash the dog’s mats, toys, etc., dry it thoroughly, and disinfect it regularly in the sun.
⒌ often let the dog get the sun.
⒍Try to use a drinking fountain. Dogs eat. Keep the coat clean and dry after drinking.
⒎Check the dog’s skin and ears frequently, and keep the ears clean and dry to prevent ear mites.
It is also necessary to clean up tear marks, which can easily cause inflammation and block the tear duct.
⒈Tear marks, mainly due to adequate intake of vitamin C. General family-made foods have insufficient nutritional content. For comparison, dog food should be the easiest, relatively comprehensive and nutritious food! Of course, the quality of dog food is also uneven, you can choose a better brand of dog food.
⒉In addition to improving bichon tears from food, another problem is shearing. The fur of the bichon is usually easy to enter the eyes and produce tears. Therefore, when cutting the hair on the face, use small scissors to carefully modify the hair around the eyes, so that it does not easily enter the eyes and reduce tear marks.
⒊ If the dog’s condition is blocked in the tear duct, you can stick to the eye drops to flush the tear duct. At one time pets recommended that everyone use eyewash and tear-stain removal liquid. It is used every day to rinse and wipe with a cotton swab to remove the red secretion around the eyes, comb the hair around the eyes, clean the red parts, comb it, and it will appropriately reduce the tearing phenomenon and Clean the hygiene around the eyes.
⒋ But not all dogs are suitable for this method. Some dogs with serious blockage of the tear duct due to genetic factors can only control and cleanse, but cannot completely eradicate tear marks.
⒌ In addition, it is best for dogs not to use eye ointment, as it is easier to block the tear duct.
For dogs whose tear duct blockage is not very serious, Xueliang Oral Essence will also be effective. And pay attention to your diet, be light, less meat, less sweet and salty, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
⒍ There is another possibility, that is, the red eyeliner of the dog will increase when it gets angry.

Bichon Frise feeding points

Because the bichon frise is lively and active, the calories consumed are relatively large, and the appetite is relatively large for dogs of the same size. Then in the daily feed, 150-180 grams of meat should be added and added The same amount of dry vegetarian material or biscuits, mixed with an appropriate amount of water before feeding. The added food should be chopped up before mixing.
Feeding points
The food fed to the Bichon Frise should be kept clean and hygienic, especially in summer. The leftover food from the last meal cannot be kept for the next meal and must be discarded in time and the utensils must be washed. First of all, Bichon Frise is a physique prone to allergies, so choose dog food without additives. The second is that Bichon Frise is prone to dental disease, so avoid feeding sticky food, buy some toys that can clean your teeth, and clean your teeth regularly.
Because the Bichon Frise’s mouth is easy to get dirty, try not to use a basin when feeding water. You can choose a special water container on the hanging cage. Everything must be fresh, and the leftovers from the last meal must be thrown away in time and the dishes must be cleaned to keep them tidy. However, I suggest that it is better to feed dog food. Feeding the Bichon Frise must be on time, quantitatively, and at a fixed address. On time, it can develop the dog’s timely conditioned reflex, secrete gastric juice, increase appetite, and promote digestion and absorption.
Generally adult dogs are fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, and can be fed a little more at night. Dogs under 1 year old are fed 3 times a day; dogs under 3 months old are fed 4 times a day; puppies under 2 months old are fed 5 times a day. Dog food patterns can be refurbished, but the number should be relatively stable. The feeding address can be both inside and outside the kennel, but dogs are generally fed in the kennel. The purpose of a fixed address is to keep the environment relatively stable and facilitate management. Some dogs will refuse to eat and lose appetite when they change feeding places.
Excessive edible nutrients
Too much nutrients in dogs may cause or cause health problems.
Dogs eat too much fat, obesity, and protein, and they are prone to kidney disease.
If there is too much protein and minerals in the dog’s food, such as phosphorus, sodium, etc., it is easy to increase the dog’s risk index of kidney disease or make the kidney disease worse.
Excessive consumption of sodium
Too much sodium in dogs can cause heart disease and high blood pressure.
It is understood that many pet foods bought on the market contain too much salt. Dogs eating too much food with high salt content can easily lead to heart disease or other cardiovascular diseases, resulting in insufficient blood flow, which will directly lead to insufficient oxygen and nutrition in tissues and organs. Therefore, avoid all foods that are too salty for dogs. This also includes snacks and some dog biscuits.
Bichon Frise is a toy-type small dog, because its recipe is different from those of large dogs. And the eating method is different, so when choosing food for it, you should also pay attention to choosing dog food that is suitable for small dogs to eat.

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