
The Labrador Retriever is native to Newfoundland, Canada, and belongs to the sports dog group under the AKC classification. According to his ancestor was an English hunting dog, he was trained by local fishermen to pull nets and carry work. After being introduced to the UK in the 19th century, he was trained as a shotgun dog. Now he is often trained as a guide dog and guard dog to detect drugs and explosives. . The Labrador Retriever has always been among the best in the dog’s IQ ranking, and is currently the most popular and most trusted family dog.

Feeding points for Labrador Retriever

A healthy Labrador Retriever must have an owner who is in charge of him. Take care of a simple, cute, and no-tempered large dog. It is something to be proud of for breeders. Only those who have bred Labrador dogs know the dog’s living habits and eating habits. The following introduces the feeding points of Labrador puppies.
Labrador puppies feeding points
In the early stage of feeding, give it a sufficient amount, but don’t let it eat until the feeding time. Wash the utensils every day and continue to give it enough and clean water. When feeding small Labrador puppies or playing dogs, the food must be mixed with water to soften before it can be fed until the weaning period is reached. If you are feeding professional dry dog ​​food or canned dog food, please follow the instructions on the product packaging.
Ten months ago, the little Labrador was feeding, pay attention to things
1. In the period of the little Labrador, if you can occasionally feed the right amount of raw meat or fish, it will help the development of the dog. However, the fish bones must be broken.
2. If the little Labrador eats human food, it will cause gastrointestinal disorders and cause indigestion. Therefore, it must be cooked into soft food
3. You can’t just feed meat without rice and vegetables.
4. Using biscuits with less sugar as a snack is also a way to supplement the meal.
The little Labrador after 5.3 weeks can be fed cow, goat milk and soups other than breast milk, but the soup should not contain too much oil, otherwise it will easily lead to diarrhea.
6. A little Labrador in January can use a porridge-like food cooked with minced meat, rice, cornmeal, flour and vegetables to cooperate with breastfeeding.
7.35 to 45 days old Labrador can be cooked into gruel with thick soup, plus appropriate amount of coarse grains, vegetables, fish and salt as the staple food. During this period, please get rid of internal parasites on your pet dog.
8. Change the drinking water of the little Labrador sooner or later.
9. Little Labrador grows up to 4 to 5, the bones gradually grow into after use. Food should not contain too much fat.
10. Little Labrador can be fed soft rice from 5 to 6 months, and add appropriate amount of coarse grains and vegetables with less fiber to supplement vitamins. This is a critical period for the growth and development of the little Labrador, and sufficient food and nutrition must be provided.
12. When the little Labrador grows to 8 months of age, female dogs begin to experience physiological phenomena. Vaginal bleeding will continue for 2 to 3 weeks. When the amount of bleeding decreases, the vagina will swell and enter the ovulation period, which will last about 5 days. . Female dogs mate during this period, and it is best to keep them in captivity or leash to avoid getting close to male dogs. After 5 to 6 months, it is more appropriate to mate and give birth to the second estrus.
13. The calcium supplement for the little Labrador is best to start at the age of 2 months and end at 6 months of age. The dosage and time can be determined according to the development of the little Labrador.

Labrador Retriever maintenance knowledge

Labrador Retrievers, like humans, will inevitably be injured, sick, eaten, etc. during the growth process. For people who raise dogs for the first time, they will indeed be a little rushed when encountering an accident. Many people do not. I thought that dogs would get sick just like humans. When encountering an emergency, we should find the cause or send it to the doctor for treatment in time.
What are the symptoms of a poisoned Labrador?
Labrador dogs are poisoned when they eat rotten food or medicines, especially when they eat rats that have been killed by medicines. Several evidences for judging dog poisoning:
1. Abnormal behavior: The Labrador dog appears trembling, the body tilts unable to maintain balance, mental anxiety, the Labrador dog keeps salivating, has seizures, and even loses consciousness.
2. Bleeding: rodent-killing drugs can inhibit the blood clotting function of animals. Therefore, a Labrador dog that accidentally ingested rat poison will bleed continuously in the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
3. Labrador Retrievers will have symptoms such as difficulty breathing, short of breath or open breathing.
When you find that your dog has symptoms of poisoning, it is best to take a look at what is missing at home, and whether there are any suspicious objects around the Labrador, so that you can initially know the cause of the poisoning, and you can tell when you take the Labrador to the hospital. Doctor, do the right medicine.
We love our pets very much. Although at the beginning, we may not like Labrador very much. Perhaps at the beginning, we like Pomeranian and Bichon Frise, but as long as we get along for a while Over time, we will discover that Labrador is actually very cute, and we also hope to keep it healthy and strong. If he gets sick or if something accident happens, we will be sad too.
When a Labrador dog has cramps, the owner must not panic. You must calm down before you can help the Labrador through the emergency.
performance: Labrador retriever keeps twitching, body stiffness, mouth opening and closing, tongue falling out.
Solution: Do not touch the body of the Labrador first, and immediately remove the objects next to the Labrador, so as to avoid the Labrador dog from accidentally colliding during the cramping process To other things.
At this time, while confirming whether the Labrador’s breathing is normal, while waiting for the Labrador to calm down; when it returns to calm, immediately take off the dog’s necklace and collar, and rush to the animal hospital. And describe to the veterinarian in detail the process and phenomenon of the dog’s convulsions at that time.
What should I do if my Labrador baby gets motion sickness?
Motion sickness is not considered an illness, and the consequences are not serious. When the Labrador dog vomits when riding in a car, it may be motion sickness. Let it calm down and get used to it after a short rest. Some dogs will never get sick again after fainting a few times. If your Labrador Retriever also has the habit of motion sickness, do not allow him to eat or drink before traveling, and take medicine for motion sickness.
Allergic reactions to insect bites, mainly manifested as hives, Labrador dogs may have difficulty breathing. The veterinarian should be contacted immediately.
wasp bite: its venom is alkaline, so weak acid should be used to wash the wound, such as vinegar. Bee sting: try to remove the pin with tweezers, it looks like short black hair. Bee stings are acidic and can be washed with soapy water.
Mite, lice and lice bites: It can cause skin diseases, and immediate treatment, shaving, medicated baths, and deworming are generally not a big deal.

Characteristics of Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers have a temperament comparable to that of a golden retriever, and they are definitely known for their good temper. Before deciding to live with a Labrador dog, you must first understand its character. If a dog with disagreeable personality lives with you, you will go crazy. Let’s take a look at how to test the personality of a Labrador dog with the editor.
First of all, this Labrador must be friendly to humans. When you sit or squat down to call it, it should act very happy to see you and walk towards you. If it ignores you at all, it’s not a good sign; and if it walks over to show you as soon as it sees you, it shows that it’s too enthusiastic about humans, and then it will be too enthusiastic when you take it out. All kinds of pedestrians are full of interest, so you will be in constant trouble.
Second, look at the trainability of the Labrador, drag it on the ground with toys or old socks, etc., it should be attracted and even chase it. In the end, the whole dog may come to chase and play. , This is a good sign. Dogs who are completely disinterested say it will be difficult to train in the future.
Third, test the Labrador’s courage, put the dog on the hard ground and tease it to play, when it is very attentive to play, you suddenly put a stainless steel bowl or other things at a distance of about 1.5 meters Throw a louder object on the ground to see if the noise will scare it. A good performance is that the puppy will check the source of the sound, or continue to play after urging. If the puppy is afraid and refuses to continue playing, it means that it is too sensitive and not suitable for family pets.
Fourth, this is similar to the second one. When playing alone with a dog, roll the tennis ball in front of it to see if it will chase the ball, and then it will hold it back to you when you call it. . If it comes back obediently, it will be easier to play frisbee and other games with it in the future; if not, it is difficult to expect it to learn to play more complicated games such as frisbee with you in the future.
Labrador seldom barks in life, and he can hardly hear his barking sound. They are very friendly to old people, children, and strangers, and their steady character will not let them fall on old people or children casually. At home, the trained Labrador will also follow the owner’s instructions and help deliver some small items and so on.

Morphological characteristics of Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever is abbreviated as Labrador, Labrador, and Labrador. It is a medium-to-large dog. It has been successfully trained as a guide dog due to its lively nature, docile personality, high IQ, and lack of aggressiveness. Or other working dogs, tied with Huskies and Golden Retrievers as the three most non-aggressive dogs. Many people often mix Labrador with golden retriever. In fact, the golden retriever is very distinguishable from Labrador. First, the golden retriever’s hair is longer than that of the Labrador, and the second is the Labrador’s hair. The color of the dog is more obvious than the color of the golden retriever. There are three standard colors of Labrador: black, yellow, and chocolate.
Morphological characteristics:
The joint is slightly shorter; the body length (the distance from the shoulder joint to the end of the hip) is slightly larger than the withers height (the vertical distance from the withers to the ground). The distance from the elbow to the ground is equal to half of the shoulder height. The chest extends to the elbow, but it is not very impressive. The body must be of sufficient length to allow straight, free and effective steps; but he must not appear short in profile and have a long or tall body with long slender legs. Physique: Physique and bone mass are in proportion to the whole body. Individuals with thin physiques and “useless” must be cleansed out. Similarly, rustic and clumsy individuals are undesirable. The Labrador Retriever must show muscle (development) under working conditions and not be overly obese. The ratio of body length to shoulder height is about 12:11.
has a broad head; very clear but not exaggerated. The head and the front face are on parallel planes and are approximately the same length. The stop is moderate and the eyebrows are slightly protruding, so there is not a complete straight line from the head to the tip of the nose. The brow bone emphasizes the stop. The head has clear lines, not much flesh on the cheeks, the bones on the head are clear, and the under-eyes are well-defined, but the cheeks are not prominent. The head shows a slight centerline; the posterior occipital bone of mature dogs is not prominent. Lips must not be square or droopy. But it forms a curve toward the throat. A wedge-shaped head, or back of the head, a long and narrow head with a long, narrow muzzle are just as wrong as a stubborn head and a cheeky skin. The jaw is strong but not slender, and the muzzle is neither long and narrow nor short and thick.
The nose is wide and the nostrils are very well developed. The nose of a yellow or black dog is black, and the nose of a chocolate dog is brown. Fading the nose to a light shade is not a fault. A completely pink nose or a nose that lacks any pigment is a disqualification.
The teeth are strong and neat, with a scissors bite. Clamp bite is acceptable, but not ideal. Overshot bite, undershot bite, or misaligned teeth are serious faults. A complete dentition is ideal. The lack of molars or premolars is a serious fault.
The ears are large, hung, and close to the head moderately. The position is rather reliable and slightly lower than the head; slightly above the level of the eyes. The ears should not be too big or too heavy, but they should be in proportion to the head and extend to the inside of the eyes when they are pulled forward.
sharp, friendly eyes show good temperament, smart and agile are the characteristics of this breed. The eyes are medium in size and well set apart, neither protruding nor deep. Black or yellow dogs have brown eyes, and chocolate dogs have brown or hazel eyes. Black or yellow eyes make the expression harsh and undesirable. Small eyes, eyes that are too close, and round and prominent eyes are not typical of this breed. The eye circles of a black or yellow Labrador Retriever are black, and the eye circles of a Chocolate Labrador Retriever are brown. Lack of pigment under the eyes is a disqualification.
The neck has the correct length, allowing him to easily complete the recovery task. Muscular and free of fat. The neck rises firmly from the shoulder blades and is moderately arched. A short, thick neck or “sheep neck” is wrong.
The back is strong, and the top line (from the withers to the hips) remains level when standing or exercising. In any case, as a sporty dog, the waist clearly shows elasticity.
Labrador Retriever has a short joint, from well-supported ribs to a moderately wide chest. The chest of the Labrador Retriever should not be too narrow to appear empty between the forelegs; the chest should not be too wide to look like the forequarters of a bulldog. The correct chest structure is slightly thinner between the front legs, allowing free movement of the forelimbs. It is wrong to have a chest that is too wide or too narrow, which hinders effective movement and long-lasting endurance. Flat breasts are not a typical feature of this breed. Equally inappropriate situations are rounded ribs or barrel breasts. The curve of the lower abdomen of adult dogs is almost straight or slightly raised. The waist is short, wide and strong, extending to a very developed, powerful hindquarters. Viewed from the side, the front chest of the Labrador Retriever is very developed, but not exaggerated.
tail is the unique characteristic of this breed. It is very thick at the root and gradually tapers toward the tip. Medium length, the length cannot extend beyond the hock joint. The tail has no feathery feathers and is covered with thick, short, thick coats of the Labrador Retriever, resulting in a peculiar round appearance, described as an “otter” tail. At rest or during exercise, the tail is an extension of the topline. It may be held happily, but it cannot be curled behind the back. A tail that is too short or too long and thin is a serious fault. The tail is quite coordinated with the whole of the Labrador Retriever, forming a flowing curve from the top of the head to the tip of the tail. Docking or otherwise changing the natural length or posture of the tail is a disqualification.
Front legs:
Viewed from the front, the front legs are straight and the bones are strong. Too much or too small bone is undesirable. Short legs or heavy bones are not typical of this breed. Viewed from the side, the elbows are located just below the withers, and the forelegs are perpendicular to the ground and in a proper position below the body. The elbows were close to the ribs, showing no signs of slack. Protruding or “stretched” elbow joints hinder stretching and are serious faults. The pasterns are strong and short, and appear slightly slanted relative to the vertical legs.
is strong and compact, with well-arched toes and well-developed pads. Dewclaws can be removed. Spreading feet, rabbit feet, protruding joints, or turning inward or outward feet are all serious faults.
Labrador Retriever’s hindquarters are broad, muscular, very clear from the hips to the hock, the knee joint rotates well, and the hock is short and strong. Viewed from the back, the hind legs are straight and parallel to each other. Viewed from the side, the angle of the hindquarters is coordinated with the forequarters. The bones and muscles of the hind legs are strong, the angle of the knee joints is moderate, and the thighs are strong and clear. The knee joint is strong, and the knee does not slip when exercising or standing. The hock is strong, low in position, and will not slide or stretch too much during exercise or standing. The angle of the knee joint and the hock joint reach the best position, which can well balance the thrust and traction. When standing, the toes of the hind limbs are slightly behind the hips. The angle is too large, causing the topline to tilt, which is not a typical feature of this breed.
The coat of the Labrador Retriever is unique. The coat is short, straight and very dense, giving the fingers a rather hard feeling when touched. The Labrador Retriever has a soft undercoat that can withstand harsh weather, and is protected in water, cold places, and various terrain conditions.
Slightly wavy coat on the back is allowed. Woolly coats, soft silky coats, or sparse and smooth coats are not characteristic of this breed and are serious faults.
Labrador Retriever has four colors: black, yellow, chocolate, and off-white. Any other color or color combination is a disqualification. Small white patches on the chest are permissible, but not ideal. White hair caused by old age or scars should not be misinterpreted as spots. Black: All black, black with spots or black with brown spots are disqualified. Yellow: Yellow is allowed to vary from fox red to light cheese, with different shades of color on the ears, back, and lower abdomen. Chocolate color: Light chocolate color to dark chocolate color is allowed. Chocolate with spots or brown markings is a disqualification.
When observing the dog’s forward movement from the front, there is no sign of elbow abduction. The limbs form a straight line, and all parts of the body move in the same plane. When viewed from the rear, the movement of the hind limbs and the forelimbs are as parallel as possible, and the joints are flexible. Participate in every step of the action; when observing the dog’s movement from the side, the dog’s shoulders move freely, and the forelegs stretch forward to touch the ground.

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