
Balinese cats are also called Java cats, long-haired Siamese cats, and long-haired Amish cats, and their English names are Balinese. Balinese cats are native to the United States and have nothing to do with Bali, but because their movements resemble those of indigenous dancers in Bali, they are named Balinese cats. From the nicknames of Balinese cats, we can see that Balinese cats are related to Siamese cats to a certain extent. They are bred from individuals with genetic mutations in the offspring of Siamese cats. In the 1960s, the United States first recognized this cat.

When the Balinese cats first appeared, the cat breeders did not have much interest in them, but this under-appreciated cat attracted the attention of many people, and then the Balinese cats began to develop.

Balinese cats are born with an athlete’s temperament, so keeping them indoors for a long time may not be able to display their talents. If conditions permit, it is best to take them for a stroll in a small garden or courtyard. In addition to being athletes, Balinese cats are also natural hunters, but because they are basically raised indoors, they have almost no chance to hunt. However, the owner can prepare a few small toys as bait, and then throw them away to train them to hunt.

Balinese cats have a special feeling for their owners. They are the kind of cats that will follow you. Sometimes you may mistakenly think that you have a dog instead of a cat. It is precisely because of this personality that the Balinese cat likes the petting and communication of the owner. As long as you are free, they are also willing to give you a loving hug, and because Balinese cats do not shed hair, they are very popular among cat friends.

In addition to being able to live peacefully with their owners, Balinese cats can also live happily with dogs and other cats. Therefore, if there are other animal owners in the home, they don’t have to worry about whether the Balinese cat will be incompatible with other animals.

Balinese cat morphological characteristics

The ancestor of Balinese cats is Siamese cats, so their morphological characteristics must be somewhat similar to Siamese cats. However, because Balinese cats are the product of Siamese cat genetic mutations, plus decades of breeders Cultivated, they have also formed their own unique characteristics.

Detailed description of the morphological characteristics of the Balinese cat

Body shape: Similar in appearance to Siamese cats, they are of medium build and streamlined. Slender, long lines. Elegant, dexterous and muscular.

Head: Medium size. It is long and triangular with a straight outline. The skull is slightly convex; or flat, with a delicate snout. There is no nose or mustache border. The bridge of the nose is long and straight. The chin is of medium size.

Ears: large and pointed, wide at the base, and widely spaced. Rich hair in the ears. Keep the V-shaped contour from the lower jaw. The tip of the lynx is better.

Eyes: Medium in size, almond-shaped, with the tip of the eye slightly slanting toward the nose. Color: dark blue.

Neck: Long, thin and elegant.

Body: The body is slender, slender, and streamlined. It is a typical oriental cat body. The bones are slender, the muscles are compact, the ribs are extended, and the chest is cylindrical. Tuck up the abdomen, but not roll it up. The neck curve is stretched and clear, combined with the head flexibly and elegantly.

Limbs: Cylindrical body is coordinated and well-proportioned; the hind limbs are taller than the forelimbs and have a high waist shape. The legs are long and slender, and the length is proportional to the body. Small, oval claws with hairs between the toes.

Tail: The tail is long and thin, with a pointed end, and the tail is rich in long feathers and drooping. Taper from the base to the tip of the tail.

Coat: Medium-length, silky, fine. The body, abdomen and tail have longer coats. Slightly under-colored fluff. The colors of all Siamese cats are acceptable. The key colors must be consistent. A strong contrast is required between the accent color and the body color. Xiaomao is completely white at birth. The color of an adult cat only stabilizes at 1 year old.

Bad sexual characteristics: round and wide head. The snout is short and wide. The nose is interrupted. The eyes are small and round. The tips of the eyes are not tilted. The body is short and compact. Short legs. The bone structure is thick and heavy. Was too short or too rough.

Disqualification signs: eyes are not blue.

Some cat friends asked if the offspring born from the mating of a Balinese cat with a Balinese cat might be a shorthair cat. Under normal circumstances, the cats born from the mating of Balinese cats and Balinese cats are long-haired cats, because long hair is an invisible gene. Of course, it is possible to give birth to short-haired cats if genetic mutations occur, but this probability is very low.

Balinese cat character characteristics

Smart and enthusiasm has always been synonymous with Balinese cats. Compared to their ancestors, Siamese cats, Balinese cats are obviously easier to get close to people. Although Balinese cats also like to play, they are not cats that are difficult to control. As long as the owner calls, they will still come over and listen to your instructions, because they themselves like to be with humans. If they live alone all the time, I’m afraid I will really suffer from depression.

Many people know that the sounds of Siamese cats are loud and not soft, but Balinese cats do not inherit this characteristic. Their sounds are softer and will not bore their owners. Most Balinese cats will also look at the eyes of their owners. For example, when they find their owners are in a good mood, they will play coquettishly by their owners and ask for petting. When they find their owners are depressed or angry, they will Give the owner some space for himself.

Balinese cats are very curious. Once they become interested in something or an item, they will follow up reluctantly until they lose interest. At the same time, they are very sensitive, and even a little bit of wind and grass may attract their attention. Therefore, under the dual effect of curiosity and sensitivity, the owner may find that the cat is still living mysteriously like a detective.

In addition, Balinese cats are also one of the super gregarious animals. They will not be hostile to the dogs or other cats in the house. If the dogs or cats in the house are very active, they will definitely be able to play together. , But the owner may have to consider how to make them disappear quickly, because if they play crazy, the owner will finally be crazy.

Balinese cat care knowledge

The care of Balinese cats needs to make some changes according to their physical changes in different periods. Under normal circumstances, when the cat is less than 6 months old, the owner may need to spend more time and energy to take care of the cat. The main reason is that the cat is from birth to At six months of age, the body is in a rapid growth period. If some errors occur in the feeding process, it may cause the cat to be unable to live normally in the future.

1. The care of Balinese cats and kittens under one month of age

1. Mother’s milk is the best choice. If you don’t have mother’s milk, you need to brew cat milk powder for kittens.

2. The mother cat will stimulate the kitten’s anus with her tongue, so that the kitten will excrete. If there is no female cat stimulation, the owner must use wet facial tissue or toilet paper to stimulate the kitten to urinate and defecate before and after each feeding, and it may take several minutes of continuous stimulation to drain cleanly; if necessary, the veterinarian should help (for example, two or three Days without defecation).

3. Kittens must nestle to their mothers to keep warm, so an extra source of warmth must be provided; and it is best not to bathe to avoid loss of temperature. The kittens sleep very long at this time, so if they are barking, they are usually too cold, uncomfortable or hungry.

4. The cat usually walks steadily until the third week. Before that, only the female cat can move it. A cat will grow its first set of teeth when it is two weeks old and go to the bathroom by itself in three weeks. At this time, the cats will also start to play, the cats around the age will bite and play with each other, and they will also learn how to not harm each other. Kittens must be taught by mother cats or humans to use cat litter. You can put toilet paper stained with cat urine in the litter. Kittens will learn to use cat litter more easily.

Second, the care of large Balinese cats from two months to six months of age

Kittens start weaning in the fifth week, start eating hard food, and become independent. At this time, the cat’s sense of balance has been fully developed, and he also knows how to comb his hair. This period is the learning stage for cats. They must learn to recognize themselves and other animals.

When cats are three months old, their muscles are fully developed, but they still need a lot of exercise to accurately judge distance, height, and speed. Hunting skills were also learned during this period. Therefore, it is best for kittens to leave their mothers after three months of age.

Usually cats upgrade to the stage of adult cats at six months. When I was three months old, I had a territorial concept and a good sense of direction.

3. The care of Balinese cats over six years old

Cats over six years of age don’t need the owner’s attention all the time. You can let them choose the lifestyle they want. But even if cats are big, it doesn’t mean you can leave them alone. You need to train them not to go where they can’t go (such as kitchen trash cans, etc.), so that they are no longer obsessed with scratching sofas or other furniture, and not to bite on wires, etc. . In addition, when they have some problems, you should also seek veterinary help in time. For example, when the cat does not poop in the litter box, it may be caused by disease. If the optimal time for treatment is delayed, the owner needs to spend more money. Not to mention, cats have to endure more pain.

Balinese cat feeding points

Eating a good body is not an empty talk. To make a Balinese cat healthier, the daily diet must be scientific and reasonable. The owner who saves trouble usually feeds cat food to cats. This is not a problem at all, because the nutrients contained in cat food can already meet the needs of cats, and dry food can rub the cat’s teeth and prevent dental calculus and other diseases. . So, if you are not sure how to feed the Balinese cats, there must be nothing wrong with feeding them cat food.

For owners who want to let cats eat more food, it is extremely important to understand which nutrients the cat needs, because once the cat cannot obtain the required nutrients, etc., letting the cat enjoy the food becomes empty talk. After all, the body It is the capital of the revolution. Cats who often eat homemade cat food are usually more prone to a problem-dental calculus. The owner needs to prepare a molar rod for the cat to fully exercise the cat’s teeth to prevent the occurrence of dental calculus.

If you need to make your own cat food, the owner must also pay attention to the supply of the following foods: 1. Fish. It is well-known that cats love to eat fish, but cats will not eat fish as you think. They will also be caught by the fish bones. The owner must help the cat to remove the big bones when preparing the fish. 2. Shrimp and other foods. Although the protein content is high and cats like it very much, long-term uninterrupted supply will not only cause cats to be picky eaters, but also affect certain normal physiological functions of cats.

In addition, in order for the cat to develop good eating habits, the owner needs to feed the cat regularly. When training a cat, you can give some food as a stimulus, but you can’t give too much food. After the cat eats too many snacks, it will become more and more difficult to satisfy, and the training will become more difficult.

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