
The earliest written records related to Siberian cats appeared in the 11th century: they are very common cats in the Russian market and the Siberian countryside. Because the Siberian cat lives in a country with harsh natural environment, its whole body is covered with long coats, and even has a thick fur collar around its neck. Their outer coat is hard, smooth and oily, and the bottom coat is dense and thick, which can resist the severe cold in Siberia.

Morphological characteristics of Siberian forest cat

The Siberian Forest Cat has a long body, and the white areas in the coat are clearly spotted tabby. Although the reputation has been widely spread abroad, the quantity is still very small, so it is very expensive. The traditional color of the Siberian forest cat is golden tabby. However, other colors appeared after artificial reproduction in the later stage. The Siberian forest cat has a short coat when it is born, and will not have a guard coat until it is three months old.

Build: Very large and compact body, strong and heavy.

Weight: 4.5 to 9 kg.

Head: The head is medium in size, wide and triangular, with an arc-shaped outline. Flat top of the head. The forehead is slightly convex. The cheeks are not obvious. The snout is round and moderately long. The head is more rounded than the Norwegian Forest Cat.

Ears: Moderately wide, with rounded ear tips. Hair on the back of the ears is short and the inner ears are long. The tip of the lynx is better. The eyes are large and almost round. The spacing is large. Tilt slightly.

Eyes: The eye color of the traditional adult cat is: green to yellow, while the eye color of the key color Siberian cat is blue. The color of the eyes is not related to the color of the coat.

Nose: The part of the nose between the eyes is wide, and is narrowed towards the tip of the nose and slightly hook-shaped.

Chin: The chin is perfectly round. Long and thick moustache pads.

Limbs: The neck is moderately long, rounded, thick and muscular. The body is compact and moderately long. The back is long and slightly raised. The chest is round. The bones are strong and muscular. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs. The bones are heavy. The muscles are very strong.

Feet: The claws are large and round, with hairs between the toes. All but one toe is contractible.

Tail: The tail is moderately long, broad at the base, and covered with thick hair. Crude.

Coat: Half-length to long, plush, greasy, waterproof, and can effectively resist the cold. Hard guard hair. The hair on the abdomen is long, and the partial hair on the shoulders and chest is short. The collar hair is long and rich. Generous undercoat.

Coat color: The traditional color is golden tabby.

Temperament: The temperament is approachable and charming.

Siberian forest cat character characteristics

Pet cat species Siberian cat is clever and active. Grinding claws is a cat’s nature. Therefore, it is impossible to stop it from grinding claws. For small kittens, the claws are its most powerful weapon, so the aging horny must be worn away from time to time to make it extremely sharp. In addition, the sweat glands on the cat’s paws secrete a scent. When it is scratched on furniture or walls, these scents are retained. Just like a dog divides the territory with urine, a cat needs to divide itself at home Sphere of influence. Nevertheless, if the cat is allowed to grind its claws casually, the sofas, curtains, chairs, carpets, wooden floors, wallpaper, etc. in the home will become dilapidated and terrifying. Moreover, once the cat has determined where to grind the claws, it will go there again and again to grind the claws, so that the loss is even more serious. Therefore, the responsible cat owner should start training his cats to develop good claw grinding habits as early as possible before the furniture is ruined.

Siberian forest cat maintenance knowledge

The Siberian Forest Cat has a huge body in the cat family. The average weight of an adult cat is 6 kg, with the largest being 12 kg. It is covered with hair up and down, and even has a thick “fur collar” around the neck. The hair is hard, smooth and oily, and the undercoat is dense and thick, which can help them withstand cold weather. The Siberian Forest Cat has long slender hind paws and is extremely dexterous.

When bathing the Siberian forest cat, first prepare a pot of warm water of about 40 degrees in the baby bath. Slowly immerse the cat in the water. While petting the back of the cat, lift the water onto the body of the cat with your hands. Be careful not to wet the cat’s head and face with water, causing the cat to be disgusted. After the cat’s hair is completely moistened, take the cat out of the water basin and pour a diluted pet-specific scouring cream on the cat’s body for scrubbing. Be careful not to omit the cat’s abdomen and underarms during scrubbing. Do not wash your face. After the foam is completely rubbed, put the cat in the water basin and wash it again. If you have a water heater, you can directly rinse the cat with a shower. clean. If not, change several more basins of water and try to rinse the cat completely. Then use a towel to dry the water on the cat’s body, and wipe as dry as possible, so as to shorten the time to dry the hair. After drying, you can put the cat in a cardboard box and use an electric heater to dry the cat’s hair. Pay attention to the temperature not too high during the drying process, and keep a certain distance between the blowing port and the cat to avoid scalding the cat’s hair. After the cat’s hair has been dried, use steroid-free antibiotic eye drops and cat ear drops to properly maintain the cat’s eyes and ears.

Siberian forest cat feeding requirements

When feeding the Siberian forest cat, you must pay attention to what it is not allowed to eat. Animal liver: Some cats love to eat animal liver and refuse to eat other foods. Animal liver contains a lot of vitamin A, but excessive intake of vitamin A can cause muscle stiffness, neck pain, bone and joint deformation, and liver disease. High-fat food: If the cat’s diet contains a lot of high-fat fish or stale fat, it will lead to insufficient intake of vitamin E, which will cause inflammation of the cat’s body fat and extreme pain. Raw fish: Some raw fish contain enzymes that can destroy vitamin B1, and the lack of vitamin B1 can cause neurological diseases in cats, which can be fatal in severe cases. This enzyme can be destroyed by heating, so be sure to cook the fish after cooking. Feed the cat again. Meat: Although the cat’s diet should be based on meat, if only meat is fed to the cat, it will lead to uneven intake of minerals and vitamins, which will lead to severe bone metabolism disorders. Dog food: The nutrients in dog food and cat food are different, and the nutrients in dog food cannot meet the needs of cats. Although cats and dogs are carnivores, dogs have less nutritional needs than cats. Cod liver oil: Be especially cautious when supplementing cats with extra vitamins and minerals. Excessive consumption of cod liver oil can lead to excessive intake of vitamin A and vitamin D, which can lead to bone diseases.

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